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Warming Up MENU







The following must be performed in the first 30 minutes of each practice session.

Concentrate on doing the following because if you don't do them at a brisk pace, 30 minutes will pass and the rest of the practice time will be shortened.

① Core: 5 minutes

② Brazilian gymnastics: 5 minutes

③ How to move your body (physicality, strengthening center of gravity movement): 10 minutes

④ Strengthening of basic skills: 10 minutes

Core: 5 minutes: 20 seconds per exercise


  1. 両腕前、両足揃える

  2. 右肘ついて、左手横

  3. 左肘ついて、右手横

  4. 仰向け両肘ついて、腰を上げる

  5. 仰向け両肘ついて、左膝立てて、右足真っ直ぐ斜め上

  6. 仰向け両肘ついて、右膝立てて、左足真っ直ぐ斜め上

  7. 右膝ついて、右腕と左足を伸ばして縮めるを3回

  8. 左膝ついて、左腕と右足を伸ばして縮めるを3回

​​⭐Exhale and count slowly for 20 seconds for each exercise

  1. Arms in front of each other, legs together

  2. Right elbow on right side, left hand sideways

  3. Left elbow on left side, right hand on sideways

  4. Elevated on both elbows, hips up

  5. Elevated on both elbows, left knee up, right leg straight and diagonally up

  6. Elevated, on both elbows, right knee up, left leg straight and diagonally up

  7. Kneel on your right knee and extend and contract your right arm and left leg 3 times

  8. Kneel on your left knee, extend and contract your left arm and right leg 3 times

Brazilian Gymnastics: 5 min.


  1. うでまわし前

  2. うでまわし後ろ

  3. ぜんくつ足クロス

  4. くっしん上体ひねり

  5. ももタッチ

  6. インサイドタッチ

  7. アウトサイドタッチ

  8. ヒールタッチ

  9. ひざまわし 外から内

  10. ひざまわし 内から外

​⭐Perform all of the following items 1-10 in the video for 10 meters each time (30 seconds)
​※Do not perform the items after number 10 (try to do this when you have time outside of class)

  1. Arms turning front

  2. Arms turning-back

  3. Forward bending leg cross

  4. flexion upper body twist

  5. thigh touch

  6. inside touch

  7. outside touch

  8. heel touch

  9. Knee turn, outside to inside

  10. Knee turn inside to outside


How to move your body
(physical, strengthening center of gravity movement): 10 min.


  1. ツーステップハイニー:10回

  2. リバウンドジャンプ:10回

  3. ターン&キャッチ:10回(左右5回ずつ)

  4. ジャンプ&ランド:5回

  5. 側転左右5回ずつ

  6. スプリント&切り返しボール無し(重心移動):20mx3往復

  7. スプリント&切り返しボールあり(重心移動):20mx3往復

  8. 縄跳び 二重跳び:1分間(何回できたか数える)

​⭐Perform all of the following items 1-8 in the video

  1. Two step high knees: 10 times

  2. Rebound jumps: 10 times

  3. Turn & Catch: 10 times (5 each side)

  4. Jumps and lands: 5 times

  5. Side rolls: 5 times each side

  6. Sprint & turnaround (without ball) (center of gravity shift): 20m x 3 repetitions

  7. Sprint & turnaround (with ball) (center of gravity shift): 20m x 3 repetitions

  8. Jump rope Double jump: 1 minute (count how many times you can do it)

Strengthening of basic skills: 10 minutes

  1. リフティング(落としても続ける):目標50~300回(学年x50回)(3分)※ポイントはボールが落ちそうになったら、無理やり片足立ちでボールを触ろうとせず、地面にバウンドする間に身体を落下地点におへそを向けて素早く重心移動し、ドーナツの中(ボールを自由に扱える位置)で再度リフティングを続けます。

  2. ロンド(鳥かご)4vs1(7分)

    1. ロンド4vs1をサポートの①②③を声に出しながら行う



3. ボールタッチートータッチ:1分(前後左右に動かしながら、できるだけ早く)

4. 対面パス+ターン:対面パスでパスの出し手は正面ではなく、少し左右にパスをずらす。受け手はボールをトラップして1m後ろにあるコーンをパスを受けた場所からターンしやすい身体の向き、足、アウトかインかを瞬時に判断して、右回りでターン、左回りでターンをアウト・イン両方を左右足で行う。※ポイントはボールを止めるのではなく、トラップしたボールを次の動作がしやすい場所に自分の身体を移動させる意識で行う。例えばトラップの後に右足アウトでターンの場合に右足でトラップしたボールを身体の右側にボールが来るようにトラップし、身体をターンしやすい向きに移動する意識で1回転する。:3分

  1. ※毎回の練習前に同じメニューを反復・継続する。終わってから練習開始にする

  1. Lifting (continue even if dropped): goal 50-300 times (grade x 50 times) (3 minutes) *The point is that if the ball is about to fall, do not try to force yourself to touch the ball by standing on one foot, but quickly shift your center of gravity by turning your body to face your navel to the drop point while it bounces on the ground, and then move your body in the donut (free to handle the ball) The player continues lifting again in the donut (a position in which the ball can be handled freely).

  2. Rondo (birdcage) 4vs1 (7 minutes)

    1. Rondo 4vs1 while voicing the supports ①, ②, and ③

  3. Ball touch toe touch: 1 minute (as quickly as possible while moving the ball back and forth, left and right)

  4. Face to face pass + turn: In a face to face pass, the passer shifts the pass slightly to the left or right, not in front of the ball. The receiver traps the ball and turns from the place where the pass is received to a cone 1 meter behind, instantly judging the direction of the body, foot, out or in, which is easier to turn from the place where the pass is received, and turns by turning right or left, both out and in, with the left and right feet.​


※The point is not to stop the ball, but to do so with the awareness of moving your body to a place where it is easy to make the next move with the trapped ball. For example, when turning with the right foot out after trapping, trap the ball with the right foot so that the ball comes to the right side of the body, and make one turn with the awareness of moving the body to a direction that makes it easy to turn. :3 min.


※Repeat and continue the same menu before each practice. Make sure to start practice when you are done.

Cool Down Menu


  1. お尻ストレッチ①あぐら​

  2. お尻ストレッチ②片足前に出して

  3. もも前ストレッチ

  4. お尻ストレッチ③足クロス

  5. 内ももストレッチ

  6. ふくらはぎストレッチ

  7. もも裏ストレッチ

  8. 背中ストレッチ

Eight types of stretches are important for post-practice and post-game cool-downs.

  1. Butt Stretch ①Against your knees

  2. Butt Stretch ② One leg out in front of the other

  3. Thigh Front Stretch

  4. Butt Stretch ③ Leg Cross

  5. Inner Thigh Stretch

  6. Calf Stretch

  7. Back of the Thigh Stretch

  8. Back Stretch

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